12 September 2008

art 4o1-oo1 and 4o1-oo2 blog groups

group one:
karen barthels (Life Drawing)
chris mattox
michael tentis
kalvin yang

group two:
megan harder (Life Drawing)
sue her (xue life drawing)
xai lao (mr. x. l.)
nick ross (wisconsin winter world)

group three:
nou chee her
andrea kappelman (sketchkapp)
nicole nelms (life drawing ii)
sai xiong
alex courier

group four:
alan briggs
time howe (drawing board)
chrissy pergande

group five:
noah berkeland (figures, forms, and life blogging)
miranda haugli (in the name of art)
kalyn meisner (figures)
ashley suddendorf (landing strip)

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